Father Edward Michael Mazich, O.S.B., is a Benedictine monk of Saint Vincent Archabbey and presently serves as Rector of Saint Vincent Seminary.
He received a bachelor of science degree in mathematics from Penn State University in 1994 and received a master of arts degree in theology from Saint Vincent Seminary in May of 1998. He is a member of Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society and Phi Beta Kappa. In 2000 he began graduate studies in Rome at the Biblicum, and continued those studies in 2003 at the Gregorian University in Rome, where he received a licentiate degree. He earned a doctorate from the University of Oxford in Great Britain in 2009.
Father Edward made his simple profession of vows July 10, 1995 at Saint Vincent Archabbey Basilica, and his solemn profession of vows on July 11, 1998. He was ordained to the diaconate on April 10, 2000 in the Archabbey Basilica by Bishop J. Kevin Boland of Savannah. Most Rev. Anthony G. Bosco, former Bishop of Greensburg, ordained him to the priesthood on July 14, 2001 at the Archabbey Basilica.
His roles at Saint Vincent Archabbey have included assistant to the sacristan (1994-1998), assistant to the master of ceremonies (1995-1998), assistant master of ceremonies (2007-2009), computer lab tutor in the Computer and Information Science Department of Saint Vincent College (1995-1997) and instructor in the Mathematics Department (1997). From 2008-2015 he served as director of solemnly professed Benedictine and other religious seminarians. He served as novice master of the monastic community from 2009-2013. From 2007-2010 he served as president of the Saint Benedict Education Foundation, which raises funds for the international Benedictine University in Rome, Sant’ Anselmo. In 2010, he was named a consultant for the foundation.
He began serving on the Saint Vincent Seminary faculty in 2007, teaching Sacred Scripture. He was assistant director of human formation (2008-2012), and then director (2012-2015). He began service as Rector of Saint Vincent Seminary in 2015.
Father Edward writes and publishes at both the popular and academic levels, and is active in retreat ministry, frequently offering retreats for laity, religious, and clergy. He writes a column on Sunday homilies for The Catholic Accent, the Saint Vincent Archabbey website, the website of the National Institute for the Renewal of the Priesthood, and Jednota, the newspaper of the First Catholic Slovak Union.